Thursday, 13 October 2016

Using green screens (unit 2- 2.1 & 3.1)

Green Screens

Today we used green screens for the first time and experimented with the footage we recorded in Premiere Pro. We found it fairly okay to work with the green screen, however it took some time before a few students recorded some footage that we could use. 

In Premiere Pro, it was easy to remove the green screen, but it was quite difficult adjusting the options as when we removed the green screen, the person in front turned a different colour, such as pink. What we did to remove the green screen was, select the footage in the bottom right part of the screen where you cut and move the bars of footage, then in the box in the bottom left part of the screen there is a tab that is called 'effects'. You could either look in the folder named, 'Video Effects' -> 'Keying' and then drag 'Ultra Key' onto the footage in 'Video 2'.

 For example here, the green screen behind the students is present. To remove it, I dragged 'Ultra Key' onto the video footage and in the box beside the green screen, there is a selection of options and I chose the option where you can select the green behind the students and once you do, the green screen disappears and it will end up looking like the image below. As I said before, the colour of the students has changed to a mixture of pink, red, silver and green.
 In the image below are numerous options where you can change the colour of the image such as:

  • Matte Generation
  • Matte Cleanup
  • Spill Suppression 
  • and Colour Correction.

And in these options are separate options such as in 'Matte Generation' you have the options to change the:

  • Transparency
  • Highlight
  • Shadow
  • Tolerance
  • and Pedestal

And this section is the part of premiere pro where you can view the footage you're editing. You have the option to pause, play, forward, rewind, to back to the beginning or go straight to the end.

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